Family pic 2013

Family pic 2013

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Here are some random pictures I found of the last few months. Some are of the kids when they were spending time with my family right after Kaylie was born. They all went to Seven Peaks several times:

When I was in the hospital, my mom took the kiddos to our favorite little zoo. We miss going on our morning walk to the park and zoo everyday. 

Lyla is still hesitant to feed the goats but Trevor loves it!

Every day Trevor woke up begging to go see the tiger, his favorite animal at the zoo.

Nana spoiled them by buying their favorite food- a hot dog for Trev and ice cream for Lyla.
Lyla had a dentist appointment that my mom took her too- and she did so well. It was her second time and she let them do everything. Watching a movie on the ceiling definitely helped!!

Nana also took them to say goodbye to their best friends- Allie and Kyler. It was probably good I wasn't able to go- I would have cried too much!! Lyla still talks about Allie everyday, wants to send her things, talks about playing together, etc.

During the 3 weeks we spent in Utah, we met Paul in St George for a weekend to break up the long time apart. Lyla got to go see Mary Poppins with the big "kids" and she loved it!

Playing with cousin Ruthie at the mall while the others were boating:


Sweet girls- they get along a lot better now than when they were younger. I love seeing them chat and play together.
Fun at the Provo splash pad
Love my sisters- it was fun to be all together for a few days.

Sibling love:

Pedi & mani night with the girls for my mom's birthday

Kaylie- about 3 weeks:
Lyla wore this same outfit. It was my favorite. This is Lyla at 1 week:

Finally it was time to go to our new home in Gilbert, Arizona. We flew down on August 29th, exactly one month after Kaylie was born. Paul's mom came with us and saved me! Trevor sat with her on the plane while I helped the girls. I loved having Sue here for a week and she was such a lifesaver in helping with the kids, helping me do lots of grocery shopping, making freezer meals, and unpacking hundreds of boxes. Most mornings she took the kids to the park or on a walk to let me sleep in a little. We worked so hard and filled the freezer with 8 full meals, burritos for Paul's lunches, rolls, jam, cut vegetables, pre-cooked meat- now life is so much easier because I don't have to spend much time cooking! We were all exhausted that week but we got so much done and I felt very settled and somewhat able to handle life when she left. We have missed her a lot though and are excited to see her next week for Justin's wedding!
We visited the Mesa temple on a very hot Sunday evening
Trevor chased some ducks at the park
We took Sue out to get ice cream for her birthday
Love Trev's face

Lyla loves to do silly poses for pictures
                                                   Tea party with grandma:

We got a little pool for our backyard and the kids have loved swimming. Lyla can now swim the length of it underwater by herself.

Lyla got the sudden idea that she just had to make blankets for all of her dolls. Grandma was so sweet and patiently helped her to sew. The blanket turned out so darling!

Sweet little lady bug. Kaylie is such an amazing baby- I'm so grateful for that! She's very content and mellow most of the time, eats well, sleeps well- she is now sleeping from 10:30-5 or 6 which is amazing after my other kids! She is extremely gassy which I think helps her feel so content all of the time because her tummy isn't bothering her like Lyla and Trevor seemed to struggle with. She is nice and chunky and I love my little sweetheart. 

Lyla is such a great helper- loves to give Kaylie bottles, protect her from Trevor, read to her, or just hold her. She has been struggling a lot with her behavior the last few months, I think all of the changes have really affected her a lot. We've tried to be very consistent with our rules and discipline and she seems to be making improvements. She can be a sweet, perfect little helper when she wants to be. 

Trevor loves to walk around in my shoes:
Girls trying on dresses for Justin's wedding:

We have found 2 scorpions in our house- which has definitely freaked me out! Sue helped me catch the first one and take it outside for Paul to kill later. We have a pest control company coming to spray every month so hopefully we can keep it under control.

One night I found Lyla asleep with her ace wraps on, socks, church shoes. No idea how she wasn't burning up!

I love my busy life and am so grateful for the 3 angels in my life! I feel like I just barely got married- no idea how suddenly we're a family of 5! Life is hectic and overwhelming but I love it and wouldn't trade any of it.

1 comment:

Kurt and Michelle said...

I am so glad you guys are doing so well! Allie misses Lyla so much too..she had a play date with a friend today and it did not go so well:) After the friend left she started to cry and asked why Lyla can't just come play. I think I might have cried a tear or two too. Miss you guys! But so glad you are in the right place!