Family pic 2013

Family pic 2013

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

One Month :-)

Today was the day I realized that I am getting married really soon. In exactly 1 Month or 31 days or 744 hours or 44,640 minutes, or 2,678,400 seconds....I think you get the idea. Plus, I decided to take a break from studying and taking finals to relax my brain. This led to me packing my things, which led to the realization that I would never live with any roommates again besides my wife. To clarify, I'm not in any way sad about all of this. In fact, I'm all kinds of excited. There is nothing else that I would rather be looking forward to.

Random thought of the day- To all of my friends and roommates: I apologize if it hasn't been the same since Tiff and I started dating and got engaged. But to be honest, I'm not apologizing for our actions or the changes, but rather if it's been upsetting or bothersome to you. I wish I could explain it to you, but I don't think that anybody will understand until they experience this for themselves. The day you decide to connect your life to another person's for the rest of eternity changes your entire perspective on life. And I sincerely recommend it to all of you! Some of you might be saying to yourselves right now, "Well, that won't happen to me. MY wife/husband is going to understand who I am and things will go exactly as I picture them right now." (And I've heard this from 5+ people already) I'm sorry, but you're wrong. Things will be different, but better than you picture them now. And like I said, you won't see it until you're standing in my position right now. In the end, I really am grateful for all of my friends, especially those who have been close to me. Your friendship and examples have been invaluable. Don't think that just because Tiffany and I are getting married that you can't still be our friends. Things will be different, but friendships can last if you allow them to. I know that I speak for Tiffany when I say that we would love to keep all of our current friends :-)

I hope this wasn't too painful of an experience for you to have to read this blog. But maybe these are just random thoughts spurred by the mental onslaught that we call "finals week." It does drive me bonkers. Yes, bonkers.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

The frustrating world of public accounting...part 1

So, I've been saving up all of my creative and funny thoughts in the hopes of having my very first post ever on a blog one of those really entertaining ones that everyone enjoys and comments on...but seeing as I am a "typical, boring accountant" that is a little difficult. I finally decided that I would never succeed in coming up with something hilarious on my own, so I might as well get over my fear of blogging and just post something!! (Allison- this means you are never allowed to block me from your blog!!)

I've been sitting at work staring at my computer for the last 1.34 hours pretending to look busy but really I have absolutely no work to do right now! You would think that maybe I could just leave early when I don't have work because I know that starting in a month I'll be working anywhere from 60-90 hours a week, but that's just not the way public accounting works! That would be valuing employees way too much!! So instead, I sit here going crazy and thinking of the millions of things I could be doing if I wasn't chained to my desk! Have you ever had to sit still for hours with nothing to do except check gmail every 1.13 seconds to see if anyone has said anything or looking at facebook to see any new pictures that have been posted in the last five minutes? You should try it sometime and let me know how it goes...then i'm sure you won't be one of those people who ignore my pleas for entertainment when I ask them "what's new in your life?" or "tell me something interesting" (those of you who are guilty know exactly what I am talking about!)

Anyway, I only have 28 minutes until the blessed time arrives when I get to shut down my computer, pick up my bags, and walk out into the freezing weather so I'll do my best to survive...

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Planning, Preparation, and More Planning

I don't think that our lives could be any busier than they are right now, and I know some of you are thinking something like, "Oh yeah? Why don't you come live in my shoes for a day? Just see how it feels!" Either way, we've been really busy with all of the many preparations for the big wedding day. Here it is: January 16th, 2009. And although it's a great holiday, we are not having our wedding in honor of the late Dr. King.

As for the wedding plans, I grossly underestimated how time intensive it would be. Now, even the smallest decision seems huge and I want to just resort to the old coin flip method. And trust me, Tiffany and I have played multiple games of Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock. Why use this instead of the original Rock, Paper, Scissors? Anecdotal evidence suggests that in the game of rock-paper-scissors, players familiar with each other tie 75–80% of the time due to the limited number of outcomes. So with Tiff and I, that wouldn't really work.... Oh- you've never heard of it? Let me explain: "It's very simple. Scissors cuts paper, paper covers rock, rock crushes lizard, lizard poisons Spock, Spock smashes scissors, scissors decapitates lizard, lizard eats paper, paper disproves Spock, Spock vaporizes rock, and—as it always has—rock crushes scissors." -Sheldon

Anyways, despite our lives being busy in every way, it has been great. I'm happier than I've been at any point in my life, and I'm looking forward to new and bright things! Oh- and just for fun, here's our internet version of the announcement:

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Take The "Challenge"

This weekend we took a trip to Portland to see Amber and Jake get sealed in the Portland Temple. It was a lot of driving to do in 3 days, but well worth it. As you can see, they're pretty happy :-)

While in Portland we stopped by a little shop that's apparently famous called Voodoo Doughnuts. Steve bought what is possible the worlds largest doughnut called "The Challenge"....

After 2 short hours on our return trip, Steve gave up on his hopes of eating the whole thing in one sitting. Apparently the middle was a little doughy.

All in all, it was a fun trip and we were glad to support the new Bigler Family :-)

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Engagement Pictures

We took the second and final set of engagement pictures this past Wednesday! Now it's the task of figuring out which one we like the most....
Want to see them??? You're in luck!

Picture set #1
Picture set #2

10 signs of being a college student

1) While using a cross-walk, you're almost hit by a kid on a scooter who is apparently in a hurry
2) There are people sleeping everywhere...benches, hallways, the grass, and even the sidewalk
3) Your parents give you birthday cash with explicit instructions not to use it for rent, books, or other expenses
4) 11pm is too early to go to bed
5) There is no quiet room in your house- music is always playing
6) Just when you're about to begin any form of studying, something always comes up (i.e. activities, favorite show/sports game comes on, somebody feels the express need to absorb your attention with small talk)
7) Free time is a necessity to prevent death from stress
8) There is no such thing as "free time." It always comes at the expense of something productive you could be doing
9) Although you continually forget about due dates, assignments, and other responsible things; you never forget your cell phone. Life just couldn't happen without it
10) It's not odd to find somebody asleep on your couch or living room floor in the morning who wasn't there when you went to sleep the night before

New Blogger

Amidst all of my daily activities, I often entertain random thoughts. Today I decided that it was time to create a blog. I was reading some ESPN articles and thought I would like to have some space somewhere to release my random thoughts. I'm not a huge journal writer, so maybe this will be my contribution. Plus, I'm sure family and friends would enjoy staying up to date with our lives. If not, go ahead and feel free to close the web page :-)