Family pic 2013

Family pic 2013

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Great trip to Marysville!

We had a great visit with Paul's family last week! Lyla LOVED so much attention from Grandma, Grandpa, and her uncles. Sue was so sweet and borrowed lots of toys, puzzles and books so that there were plenty of activities to keep Lyla busy. They cooked together, played at the YMCA, read books. We didn't take enough pictures- we didn't even get one of Lyla with Grandma. I really need to get better at taking lots of pictures.

She enjoyed watching everyone at the batting cages.
Both kiddos helped Grandpa work.
Lyla was pretty excited about her playdough work.
We went to a fun children's museum and Lyla was in heaven. She ran from one activity to another, having a blast.

Our sweet little man was a bit grumpy at times, especially at night which made us pretty tired all week. But he's so cute that of course I can't be mad at him! :)

Lyla now loves looking for Easter eggs after a fun little hunt. Pretty sure she was on a sugar high all week from gushers, smarties, princess fruit snacks, and marshmallows.

The last day we were there was absolutely beautiful and so warm. We walked around a park for a few hours and just played.

Dad & Grandpa swinging Lyla as we walked.
Lyla's expression says it all. We had such a blast all week long and really can't wait for our next visit. The kids did pretty well on the 12 1/2 hour drive, which we did straight both ways cuz we didn't want to unload everything in a hotel. There were only a few moments when Paul and I looked at each other and laughed to keep from crying. :)
We're grateful for such amazing, welcoming family members who made our visit so comfortable. It was so nice to watch General Conference with them, laugh and talk every night at dinner, play games, go bowling, and just catch up on all we miss by living so far away.

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