Family pic 2013

Family pic 2013

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Trevor - 6 months

My sweet angel boy is 6 months old! His current stats are:
Height: 26 3/4 inches (46%), Weight: 17 lbs 7 oz (43%), Head: 45 cm (88%)
Apparently our kids just have really big heads :)

We've been trying to get him to eat solids which has been quite the battle- anytime any food goes near his mouth he clamps his lips together and shakes his head so fast that I can't get to his mouth. We've tried rice cereal, peaches, beans, carrots, avocado, yogurt, and applesauce. He seems to do better if I use my finger to put small chunks of food into his mouth instead of trying the pureed stuff.

Isn't this just the sadest face you've ever seen? He's still getting the whole sitting up thing down and he had just fallen backward and hit his head on the floor- poor thing.

He recovers fast though- this was 3 seconds later:
About a month ago, Trevor went from being a binky-baby to loving his thumb. I'm not very happy about that and I dread the day when we have to make him stop, but sucking his thumb soothes him better than anything else. He's getting closer to being a good sleeper...he's had several nights when he's gone from 7:30 pm to 7:00 in the morning without making a peep! But we still have lots of nights when he's up 3, 4, or 5 times with something bugging him- teething, a cold, gas, etc. Gotta love the constantly-changing baby stage!
Oh I love my happy boy. He brings me so much joy every day. I love walking in his room when he wakes up and seeing his face light up as I pick him up and hug him.
I had to add a few pictures of our princess as well. We washed our car as family today and Lyla had a blast. She insisted on using her princess bucket and we danced to our favorite disney songs as we washed.

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