Family pic 2013

Family pic 2013

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Lyla's Stats

We had an exciting visit to the doctor last week for Lyla's two year old check. She screamed and flailed every time the doctor came near, and watching her freak out and struggle as she got a shot pretty much broke my heart. Here are her current stats:
Height: 33 inches - 27th percentile, Weight: 26.6 pounds - 65th percentile, Head: 49 cm - 90th percentile
She loves putting her arm around Trevor and has only scratched, bitten, pinched, hit him in the head with a toy camera, etc a few times. We're trying hard to get her to understand how to be nice before she does something to really hurt him.

Lyla suddenly stopped her paranoia of wearing bows and decided she wanted to wear every bow she owns at one time!! She has let me put her hair in pigtails a few times which I've been so excited about. She also insisted on putting lots of bows in her new best friend Belle's hair.

Lyla loves to read books and the other day she asked me to lay down on the couch and read to her. she put her arm around me and it was the perfect moment with my sweet little girl. It helped me remember that despite her many tantrums and whining and constant demands she is my little angel and I love her so much!

1 comment:

Grossarths said...

awwww. Jackson says, " Lyla is so sweet!" He loves his cousins. We are so excited that Lyla is wearing bows now!