Family pic 2013

Family pic 2013

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Best Birthday Surprise ever!

The morning of my birthday started out well with a call from my family and a sweet b-day song from Paul and Lyla. I was in the middle of blow-drying my hair when Paul called and said the weed guy was knocking at the door and I needed to go answer it. I opened it and saw this:

My cute mom and sister Jeanne had driven all the way up to spend the day together and even to have a sleepover!!

I was so extremely surprised and excited to see them! My hair is a little crazy because it was up in a clip while I straightened it.

Lyla immediately grabbed Nana and kept her busy showing off her toys and looking at books. Nana brought a book that she and grandpa had recorded their voices on. Lyla was scared at first but now she loves it! It's "Guess How Much I Love You" and Lyla loves playing with the bunnies that go along with it.

My sweet Mom took us all to dinner at a Thai restaurant which was so yummy!

Paul surprised me with the complete series of Alias which I was so excited for! Now I can watch my friend Sydney whenever I want! :) He also gave me some pretty jewelry which Lyla quickly adopted as her own and she's been wearing it around the house ever since.

My amazing sister went to a huge effort to leave her two older children and to keep her baby happy for 4 hours in the car. I also really appreciated Kevin keeping things under control at home so that she could come. It was such a unique time to just relax and talk without being completely overwhelmed with children running around! :)

My mom bought me my favorite ice cream cake from Dairy Queen! (By the way- let's just pretend I turned 25 like the candles show...)

The next morning we went for a nice long walk together and then ate german pancakes before they had to take off.

Baby Madison loved hanging out on the table.

It was such a fun 24 hours and meant so much to me that they would go to such effort for me!


Sarah said...

Happy Birthday, Tiffany!

Emily said...

What a fun birthday and awesome family! I'm glad you had such a good day. (I'm also glad to hear you're a fan of Alias!)

Candace said...

Happy Birthday Tiffany! That sounds like such a fun birthday, that is awesome your mom and sister surprised you.

Matt and Becca said...

That is the cutest surprise ever! I'm glad you had such a great birthday. And congrats on the BOY! How fun! Can't wait to see you on Saturday!