Family pic 2013

Family pic 2013

Sunday, March 13, 2011

First Steps!!

You never quite realize how much your child has grown until you see them next to other kids that are younger. We just got back from Utah last weekend where we got to spend time with family, especially the new addition to the Grossarth's! Madison is so cute, and we forgot how tiny babies are when they first arrive!

One of our favorite things about Lyla is her inquisitive personality. She loves exploring and figuring out how things work. Sometimes it means that she's getting into things she shouldn't, but how can you stay mad at such a cute face??? For Christmas we got Rock Band, and for Valentine's day we brought it out to play/sing some love songs. Afterwards we just played around for a bit and Lyla decided to join in on the fun with Mommy!

A few weeks ago Lyla surprised us by taking her first few steps! Paul had taken her out of church because she was getting a little fussy, and when he set her down in an empty classroom she began walking over to one of the chairs! When we got home we quickly set up one of her favorite toys ("Sweet Talkin' Pup" from Hallmark) on the couch and set her loose. She was a little wobbly, but we were so excited! She's gotten a lot better since then, but still prefers to crawl. Right now that's the fastest mode of transportation besides Mommy and Daddy's arms :-)


Candace said...

I can't believe she is walking already! It was so much fun to see you a few weeks ago. We will have to come up and visit you in Idaho sometime.

Brittany said...

How cute! I love the video of Lyla walking and how she holds her arms out for balance! So so cute!

Grossarths said...

Yay Lyla! So exciting. Now the fun really begins!

Ben and Ash said...

Wow!!! That is awesome! She is growing up so fast! By the way, LOVE the pic of you three on the top of your blog.......did you use photoshop? It is amazing!!