Family pic 2013

Family pic 2013

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Hello, my name is Paul Rumsey...and I'm a nerdaholic

This morning I came to the sad realization that I have many "nerd-like" qualities. Many of you may have already recognized this in me, but I have been in denial for many years. Here's some reasons why:

1) Have you heard of the show "Deal or No Deal?" So that show was playing a little while ago, and as the bank gave out the deal I thought to myself, "Self- you're a finance major! You know how to calculate if that's actually a good deal or not!" For your enjoyment, let me show you the formula! Let's say there's 5 cases left with the values of $1,000,000 - $5 -$250,000 - $.01 - $100,000. It's the sum of the probability of opening the case times the value inside as follows:

Expected Value = (.2 * 1,000,000) + (.2 * 5) +(.2 * 250,000) + (.2 * .01) + (.2 * 100,000) = $270,001

So the whole rest of the show I sat there with my financial calculator figuring out expected returns and shouting, "Deal! Deal! It's to your advantage!" -or- "No! No Deal! You're risk-averse!!!"

Thank you Howie Mandel....
2) I'll admit it. I enjoyed reading the Harry Potter books, The Eragon Trilogy, and Lord of the Rings.

3) Superman is one of my role-models

4) I have an insatiable desire to know how things work. At the age of 10 I tore apart my computer just to figure it out. Hence why I know a bit about computers now. Correction, I's world progresses too fast. It's time to tear apart another computer.

5) I ACTUALLY enjoyed math as a kid. Things with rules just make sense to me.

6) When I go shopping I don't look at whole prices to compare for the good deal. Have you ever looked at the bottom left corner of the price tags on the shelves? It gives you the cost per pound, ounce, etc. That's how I know if it's a good deal

7) Let me make one clarifying statement: I am not, I repeat AM NOT in any way a Dungeons and Dragons fan.

8) My laptop runs my life. I pretty much can't go anywhere with out it. Every bit of important information is saved on it. And yes, all the sensitive information is password encrypted. I'm pretty sure I would curl into the fetal position and cry in a corner if my laptop died before I could transfer everything off.

9) For the pure reason that I can use my fingers to control it, I love the iPod Touch.

10) Excel Spreadsheets are my best friends. How did we keep track of all our wedding plans? You should see the giant spreadsheet we used that has like 15 different tabs, ranging from wedding license info to the thank-you card list. Ever since joining the finance core I have opened a spreadsheet at least twice a day. This leads me to #11...

11) I love organization. I'm not a pocket protector kind of guy, but nothing's better than a systematic order for things.

12) Finally, my wife is also a nerd too. We differ here and there on a few things, but most of this holds true for her too :)


Grossarths said...

HA! You said wife! Is that weird saying wife and husband you guys? Number 10 and 11 totally remind me of Kevin. So I guess my husband is a nerd. But I don't think he can say his wife is!

Steve Hale said...

don't forget that you read the twilight books

Unknown said...

Hey Paul -

Just found your blog! Just so you know Mike looks at the little corner of tags in the grocery stores to find the best deal too. you funny finance people.


Koko said...

I hope you don't mind...I glanced at your blog. This post cracked me up! I think most of us relate to many of these things. We have nerdfest often at our home. You two come visit -- you'd probably feel comfortable! ;)