Family pic 2013

Family pic 2013

Thursday, September 17, 2009

26 weeks and done with busy season!!

Ok so as always I'm posting pictures a little late- this was me almost 2 weeks ago when I was 26 weeks. How is the time flying by so quickly? Less than 3 months and we'll have an amazing little girl in our family!

Life has been completely out of control lately but as of Tuesday at 5:30 I've finished my last busy season for a very long time!!! After two years with the firm and four terrible busy seasons, I'd have to say that this last one was the worst in many ways. The 80 hour weeks didn't go on for months like they did last spring, but in some ways the stress during the 4-5 weeks of craziness this time was more than I've ever felt before!! I've never seen so many returns have changes on the 14th and 15th and I've never been working as fast as possible at 3:45 on the 15th, feeling like there was no possible way we could finish the return, get it to the client to sign, and then to the post office before closing time. This level of stress definitely isn't healthy and I am so glad it's over. No more coming home just to sign back on and work til midnight, no more Saturdays where there's not even time to workout because i'm working the whole time I'm awake, no more sitting in church on sunday feeling like I'm going to collapse because I'm not working for once and the exhaustion is catching up to me, no more telling Paul that our exciting Friday night date will consist of sitting on the couch working while he finds something to do next to me so we can at least be together...Wow, that all sounds amazing!! Soon the only reason I'll be awake at 3 in the morning is to feed an adorable baby, not to figure out why the partner allocations are off or why the California Sch M-1 won't tie.

Anyway, I'm excited to have my life back. To all those who I have neglected lately: I'm so terribly sorry and I can't wait to have some fun now- so give me a call and let's plan something!!


Deborah said...

Congratulations!! Does that mean you get to stop working once you have the baby? If so, that's wonderful. And congratulations, you finally look like a pregnant lady... only you seem to be too small to be over half-way done. I'm not really able to have fun, since my every waking minute is either working or working on the house, but I'd love to catch up with you sometime. Give me a call if you have some time!

Allison Murray said...


TT, Buzz and Kids said...

You are so small for being 26 weeks. I am that far along right now, and am not that small, but I have seen people that are further along or even less along that are bigger than I am. Sounds like things are going well with you!

Grossarths said...

Hello my super cute sister! I'm so happy that busy season is finally over for you and that you look so adorable as well! Sure Love ya.