Family pic 2013

Family pic 2013

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Family visits & Spring fun

My sweet family came to visit us over their spring break. They were here for General conference which was so fun to be together! I've wanted to be with them for conference since we moved away 4 1/2 yrs ago but it's never worked out til now. We were so grateful for our nice big house that we're renting because it comfortable fit all 12 of us. Jared and Allison came down and spent several nights and it was fun to be all together. Ty and Alyssa were getting ready for finals but came for the weekend and we loved being with them. The kids especially loved being with everyone and having so much attention. The weather was perfect- we went swimming in our pool, went to an awesome splash park, celebrated Easter, walked around our neighborhood each day and visited all of the 5 parks within 1/2 mile of our house, went to the temple, saw the Easter Pageant, went out to eat just adults, and just enjoyed being together. We downed at least 8 containers of ice cream- what can I say we all love to eat. :)

Lyla loved going to the Easter Pageant and felt so grown up to be the only kid to go with the adults. I love seeing how her behavior improves and she is so sweet and fun when she's in a situation like that. She asked so many questions about the pageant and still talks about the things she saw Jesus do.

This was the kids feeling so sad when Ty and Alyssa left on Sunday. They are great at their role of uncle and aunt and they spend so much time playing with the kids. They are so patient with them and willing to play or read for as long as the kids want. 

My first priesthood session girls night in years!! It was so fun to be with these amazing ladies. Just missing Jeanne and Alisha. 

We love the train park in Scottsdale- the kids especially loved having adults to play with them on the playgrounds since Paul and I usually make them play by themselves. :)

This sweet boy gets SO excited before we ride the train. He was sitting so still, holding Paul's hand and his other hand was just resting in his lap like that- not moving at all so he wouldn't miss a thing.

Lyla has been in a singing class with her good friend and neighbor Kelsey and this was their performance. They sang cute songs like 5 little ladybugs and Popcorn popping. They have also learned a few basic technique things like how to warm up your voice, how to breathe, and dynamics. One day I was whispering something to Lyla so Kaylie wouldn't get distracted from eating and Lyla said "don't say it pianissimo, piano, mezzo-piano, or mezzo-forte. Say it forte!" and she threw her hands up in the air. Silly girl. 

Trevor has been working on potty training for the last month and I think we have it down!! He trained with his buddy Wes and they hung out in their matching undies. He's been pretty good- we had one week of regression that almost killed me off but it's so nice now not to go through tons of diapers. We'll see how he does with moving tomorrow...

I got to take Lyla on a mommy daughter relief society activity and once again it was such a joy to spend time just with her. We had so much fun together and she was just in awe the whole time of the fact that she was allowed to come to such an event. 

My sweet ballerina! Lyla loves dancing and has enjoyed her ballet, tap, and jazz class. She loves performing for us and knew all of the dances. I was so sad to miss her recital but Paul and Trevor represented and she did a great job. 

Yes, my baby is almost as big as my 4 year old! And yes I was terrified to have Lyla hold her for a pic but she insisted- and I was 2 feet away ready to leap in. 

We did 3 Easter egg hunts this year- so fun! We did one with all of our neighborhood friends and then had a potluck lunch. We love our friends and can't get enough play time with them!

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