Family pic 2013

Family pic 2013

Friday, January 20, 2012

Jared & Allison's Wedding

Jared got married to darling Allison Sanford right after Christmas!! It was fun to go down to Arizona for the wedding and reception and to see the two lovebirds. They are so happy together and we are excited to have another sister! She is so sweet and already fits right in! :)

It was so nice and warm in Arizona which was a nice break. The sealing was in the Mesa temple.

There was a reception in Tucson the night after the wedding. They served a full dinner and then had a dance. The girls, Lyla & Kaitlyn had a blast dancing and twirling in their pretty red dresses. Since we've been home, Lyla begs to wear her dress everyday and says she wants to go to Jared's wedding again.

My mom put on an amazing open house at my parent's home in Orem. They served Kneaders cinnamon french toast which was a hit! They also had a photo booth to take everyone's picture as they came in. Then one copy of the pictures would go in the sign-in book so Jared & Allison will be able to see a picture of everyone who came. I thought it was such a great idea! We had a little too much fun with it...


Jake and Laura Eames said...

What fun!!! You guys looked awesome in the pics!!

Bryan and Natalie said...

You are gorgeous!