Family pic 2013

Family pic 2013

Friday, September 3, 2010

Dear Teething...

Oh unwelcomed guest, why must you stay so long? Isn't 2 1/2 months enough time to do your job and leave us in peace? In the beginning it was exciting to think of the fun we would have introducing new foods, but right now my half-asleep brain is trying to remember what benefits teeth even have. 1:00 am can be such a dreadful time, as can 2 am and 3 am and 4 am... I spend so many nights angry at you for hurting my little girl- my bloodshot eyes watch her struggle and my exhausted arms can barely hold her as she screams and wiggles in pain. Is there any end in sight to this current predicament we find ourselves in?

- A desperate mom


Emily said...

Oh man! I feel for you! You're probably already using medication. We would give Danica some Tylenol or Ibuprofen during the day if she was acting in pain and definitely before. Tylenol and Ibuprofen have different active ingredients so you can over lap them a little if you need to. We also would use daytime/nighttime Orajel and that worked great! Good luck!

Melonee said...

Piper just cut her first two teeth and she was miserable for the month before. That last week before the teeth completely broke through was just brutal- not many smiles and not much sleep.

There is an end in sight though! Those little teeth will eventually pop through and she'll be back to her happy self again. At least until the next teeth decide to make their debut :( Good luck!

TT, Buzz and Kids said...

Have you tried teething tablets? They work wonders for my Daughter. Calm her down instantly and she is back asleep in minutes. Good luck!!!

Tiffany Rumsey said...

Thanks for all of the suggestions. We've been using Tylenol, teething tablets and orajel and they do help a little, but not completely. The last two days have been better though so I'm grateful for that!!