Family pic 2013

Family pic 2013

Thursday, December 11, 2008

The frustrating world of public accounting...part 1

So, I've been saving up all of my creative and funny thoughts in the hopes of having my very first post ever on a blog one of those really entertaining ones that everyone enjoys and comments on...but seeing as I am a "typical, boring accountant" that is a little difficult. I finally decided that I would never succeed in coming up with something hilarious on my own, so I might as well get over my fear of blogging and just post something!! (Allison- this means you are never allowed to block me from your blog!!)

I've been sitting at work staring at my computer for the last 1.34 hours pretending to look busy but really I have absolutely no work to do right now! You would think that maybe I could just leave early when I don't have work because I know that starting in a month I'll be working anywhere from 60-90 hours a week, but that's just not the way public accounting works! That would be valuing employees way too much!! So instead, I sit here going crazy and thinking of the millions of things I could be doing if I wasn't chained to my desk! Have you ever had to sit still for hours with nothing to do except check gmail every 1.13 seconds to see if anyone has said anything or looking at facebook to see any new pictures that have been posted in the last five minutes? You should try it sometime and let me know how it goes...then i'm sure you won't be one of those people who ignore my pleas for entertainment when I ask them "what's new in your life?" or "tell me something interesting" (those of you who are guilty know exactly what I am talking about!)

Anyway, I only have 28 minutes until the blessed time arrives when I get to shut down my computer, pick up my bags, and walk out into the freezing weather so I'll do my best to survive...


Allison Murray said...

I don't ignore you when you ask me that question! and you are funny! not as funny as me, but that's hard to do...

Grossarths said...

You are a blogger now! wahoo. I thought the day would never come. Don't you just feel so completed now? Congrats. Can't wait to see you in a few days!
Love ya,

kp said...

Yes, I know how that goes! That's why it's 542 in the morning, I can leave in 48 minutes, but until then, I will comment on every blog post! Thank heavens for blogging, it makes the time pass

Kimberly said...

at least you get facebook at work! it's usually blocked in the schools! (as if i should EVER be on facebook...but let's face it...sometimes it's a necessity!)

DRP said...